Press Release

Press Release

Media Group “Red Square” and State Budgetary Institution “Mosconcert” with the support of the Yandex Afisha ticket service present:

Vanue: Gorbunova Cultural Palace,
Moscow, Novozavodskaya street, 27
The premiere of#nbsp;the multimedia theater circus show "Antigravity" took place on#nbsp;May 23 on#nbsp;the legendary stage of#nbsp;the Gorbunov House of#nbsp;Culture.
The director#nbsp;— Andrey Kotsov.
Artistic director and libretto#nbsp;— Nina Chusiova.

Mesmerizing aerial stunts beyond the capabilities of#nbsp;the human body performed by#nbsp;titled Russian athletes and Russian artists from du#nbsp;Soleil, modern choreography, graphics with the effect of#nbsp;presence on#nbsp;a#nbsp;100 square meter screen, advanced show technologies#nbsp;— all this is#nbsp;happening on#nbsp;and above the stage.
The show is#nbsp;produced by#nbsp;the Media Group "Red Square" with the support of#nbsp;the Yandex Afisha ticket service and with the participation of#nbsp;the Mosconcert State Budgetary Institution.

"Antigravity" is#nbsp;a#nbsp;show flight! The plot is#nbsp;based on#nbsp;the story-parable "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by#nbsp;Richard Bach, a#nbsp;best-selling book which philosophical depth is#nbsp;inexhaustible. Jonathan Livingston Seagull is#nbsp;a#nbsp;symbol of#nbsp;the desire for self-improvement, not limited by#nbsp;anything. Having violated the laws of#nbsp;the Flock, Jonathan faced condemnation and misunderstanding. Even being expelled, he#nbsp;alone kept going to#nbsp;his dream. Having broken stereotypes, breaking the shackles that constrained thoughts and body, he#nbsp;not only reached the heights of#nbsp;flight skills, but also fulfilled the idea of ​​absolute freedom, achieved love in#nbsp;its highest understanding.

Man has always dreamed of#nbsp;learning to#nbsp;fly like a#nbsp;bird#nbsp;— to#nbsp;get off the ground and float in#nbsp;spite of#nbsp;the law of#nbsp;gravity! Rise above the ordinary world and strive for new life meanings. "What can I#nbsp;do#nbsp;in the air?" - Jonathan Livingston asked this question and its sacred meaning thrilled the directors and artists of#nbsp;the show play "Antigravity".

Show-flight was created in#nbsp;a#nbsp;new synthetic genre that has no#nbsp;analogues. It#nbsp;combines acrobatic art, modern choreography, advanced high technology, multimedia sets, CGI graphics with an#nbsp;immersive effect. Media screen with an#nbsp;area of ​​100 sq. meters with a#nbsp;sharp angle of#nbsp;inclination makes the space realistic: together with the characters of#nbsp;the play, the viewer finds himself at#nbsp;the foot of#nbsp;the mountain, in#nbsp;the endless sky, in#nbsp;the depths of#nbsp;the bottomless ocean and inside of#nbsp;an#nbsp;all-destroying tornado.

Artists interaction with the video sequences creates amazing effects and optical illusions. Non-standard visual solutions literally draw the audience into the plot, allow them to#nbsp;find themselves in#nbsp;a#nbsp;world where the laws of#nbsp;gravity are violated, and, together with the characters of#nbsp;the play, experience and feel the flight, limitless freedom, and absolute happiness!
There is#nbsp;no#nbsp;need for words in#nbsp;the magical worlds of#nbsp;Antigravity#nbsp;— there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;different language here: the language of#nbsp;allegories, emotions, body plasticity and music that completes the atmosphere and reflects the inner states of#nbsp;the characters.

The original rock texture, composed by#nbsp;composer Alexander Gusev, includes hits from the band "Aria". Such songs as "Paradise Lost", "Take My#nbsp;Heart", "Shard of#nbsp;Ice", "Will and Reason" are organically woven into the meaning of#nbsp;the show and are the link between the ultra-modern production and the rock venue "Gorbunova".

Nina Chusova, Artistic Director of#nbsp;the show: "I always dreamed of#nbsp;making a#nbsp;play without words in#nbsp;such a#nbsp;way, that the meaning was clear to#nbsp;everyone. This performance is#nbsp;an#nbsp;immersion into another reality, where the viewer falls out of#nbsp;our three-dimensional space for and understands that our world is#nbsp;much more wonderful that the reality to#nbsp;which we#nbsp;all got used#nbsp;to. This performance is#nbsp;very necessary now, as#nbsp;we#nbsp;create our lives ourselves, and no#nbsp;one will do#nbsp;it#nbsp;for us."

Andrey Koltsov, Director: "This is#nbsp;a#nbsp;play about overcoming against all odds, about willpower and commitment, a#nbsp;great desire to#nbsp;change your life and about the result. My#nbsp;task as#nbsp;a#nbsp;director is#nbsp;to#nbsp;transfer the story of#nbsp;Jonathan Livingston Seagull from the book to#nbsp;the stage, bring it#nbsp;to#nbsp;life and show not only all the depth and philosophy, but also all the beauty and fragility of#nbsp;the world. I#nbsp;am#nbsp;confident that this performance will establish a#nbsp;fundamentally new genre."

Enrico Mazavrishvili, Content Director of#nbsp;Yandex Afisha: "For Yandex Afisha, a#nbsp;leading player in#nbsp;the market, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;important for us#nbsp;to#nbsp;support interesting teams and talented projects, especially when they combine the classic genre, the skill of#nbsp;circus acrobatic art, iconic music and new technologies. The circus genre in#nbsp;its modern incarnation is#nbsp;gaining increasing popularity and attracts the attention of#nbsp;a#nbsp;wide audience, including family audience. We#nbsp;are confident that the appearance of#nbsp;such a#nbsp;bright project will attract the attention of#nbsp;both new viewers and the industry, since in#nbsp;addition to#nbsp;circus and acrobatic skills, there are advanced technological solutions that make this project a#nbsp;unique phenomenon on#nbsp;the Russian market."

"We can lift ourselves out of#nbsp;ignorance, we#nbsp;can find ourselves as#nbsp;creatures of#nbsp;excellence and intelligence and skill. We#nbsp;can be#nbsp;free! We#nbsp;can learn to#nbsp;fly!
Richard Bach. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull".

Producer: Ilya Krivitsky
Creative Producer: Andrey Fourmanchuk
Co-producer, General Director of#nbsp;the Mosconcert State Budgetary Institution: Ilya Bachurin
Artistic Director and Libretto: Nina Chusova
Director: Andrey Koltsov
Choreographers: Natalya Terekhova, Alexey Karpenko

Photos of#nbsp;the show:

Recommended age: 12+
Duration: 90 minutes

General Media Partner: Radio station Autoradio.
General Media Agency: The Russian news agency TASS

The Creative Team:

Project authors: Nina Chusova
Andrey Koltsov
Andrey Fourmanchuk

Andrey Koltsov#nbsp;— Director. Winner of#nbsp;international circus competitions in#nbsp;Monte Carlo, Paris and China, the author and the only performer of#nbsp;unique stunts in#nbsp;the whole world. Since 1998 a#nbsp;soloist of#nbsp;Cirque du#nbsp;Soleil, has performed at#nbsp;Madison Square Garden (New York), Royal Albert Hall (London), MGM Grand Casino and Resort (Las Vegas), Staples Center (Los Angeles), O2 Arena (London) and other venues around the world, and a#nbsp;nominee for the Golden Mask award for the show "Reverse".

Nina Chusova#nbsp;— Artistic director and libretto. Director of#nbsp;the 2021 Golden Mask award ceremony, the head of#nbsp;the Nina Chusova Free Theatre. Nina Chusova’s performances have participated in#nbsp;international festivals in#nbsp;Munich, Athens, the International Shakespeare Festival in#nbsp;Craiova (Romania), and the Russian Seasons festival in#nbsp;Japan.

About Media Group "Red Square":
Media Group "Red Square" is#nbsp;a#nbsp;leading production company in#nbsp;Russia. Its portfolio includes the launch of#nbsp;some of#nbsp;the most popular television projects, the opening of#nbsp;museums, production of#nbsp;international cultural festivals, large exhibition events, business forums, sports competitions, large-scale ceremonies. The experienced team creates interactive attractions and theme parks, ice and circus shows, multimedia performances and musicals.